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Cracked ground along the A13 in Mesocco (GR)

The A13 motorway, destroyed in Lostallo (GR) by the bad weather last weekend, could reopen five days earlier than planned, next Friday, July 5. At least, this is what the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) is now predicting.

The work to restore the flooded and ruptured motorway section between Lostallo and Mesocco (GR) is progressing very well, writes OFROU. The partial reopening, on one track in each direction, can therefore be brought forward from 10 to 5 July.

Currently, work is focused on reconstituting the route which had failed. Tarring is planned for next week.

Crack along the A13 in Mesocco

This optimism is however tarnished by the discovery of a 120-metre-long fault along the Mesocco-Sud motorway junction (GR). It is not yet known whether this is an effect of the bad weather suffered by the Mesolcina Valley.

If further earth blocks were to break away due to this crack in the ground, the A13 road restoration work would be immediately halted for safety reasons, warns the OFROU. External experts are working to examine the crack in the ground along the A13.

Their findings will in particular make it possible to establish whether the phenomenon has consequences, the Grisons Public Works Department said on Friday. The latter has opened the cantonal road, cleared of debris from the bad weather, to tourists presenting a reservation certificate in the Mesolcina Valley.

People traveling to a destination between San Bernardino (GR) and Grono (GR) are allowed to use the cantonal road which is currently only accessible for local traffic, in principle.

Pass through Valais

Transit traffic that cannot travel on the destroyed A13 in Lostallo (GR) is not authorized to use the cantonal road. It is important to keep as much traffic out of the area as possible, so that the road is available for rehabilitation work, trucks and the local population, write the Graubünden authorities.

The TCS recommends passing through passes other than the San Bernardino to go south of the Alps, including the Lötschberg (BE) and the Grand-St-Bernard. The Simplon road (VS) is under construction due to landslides



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