DayFR Euro

A double victory for Pierre Poilievre

Monday evening, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives won a big victory in Toronto-St. Paul’s.

Yes, the results were close. But you have to understand that the Conservatives lost by 23 points in 2021 and they had not had an MP in this riding since 1993.

The most surprising thing about this victory is that the Conservatives triumphed while the PLC and NDP both collapsed.

You might have thought that Poilievre’s path to victory in Toronto–St. Paul’s was to split the vote. But no!

The other victory

A few days before the vote, we felt a certain nervousness in the conservative camp.

Pierre Poilievre’s team feared that a Conservative victory would lead to Justin Trudeau’s departure. In the short term, we don’t feel that the Prime Minister is going to jump ship.

Yes, there is concern in the Liberal caucus, but no one seems to want to go out into the open to tell their leader to leave.

The Liberals seem to be resigned to campaigning with Justin Trudeau. They feel they owe a debt to the member for Papineau, because he relaunched their party in 2015.

However, this loyalty risks sinking the Liberal Party.

New boss?

Clearly, Canadians are fed up with the Liberals and Justin Trudeau. Could changing the leader at this time turn things around? Maybe…

However, voters no longer believe the Liberals’ promises. Because, with the pre-budget striptease, if Canadians still had faith in the Trudeau government, we would have seen a change in the polls.

Thus, the Liberals are probably condemned to continue with their current leader. Unless the latter decides otherwise.

But Justin Trudeau believes he has a mission – that of confronting Poilievre during the general campaign.

Now let’s see if reason will prevail over Mr. Trudeau’s personal quest.


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