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Mauritanians about to elect their president… Who will win this crucial vote?

In Mauritania, citizens are preparing to choose their president from among seven candidates, while the electoral campaign ended on the night of Thursday to Friday.

The outgoing president and favorite, Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, assured in Nouakchott that victory was within reach after having campaigned in all regions. He mentioned that “the forces of law and order are ready to face any desire for disorder, security being the priority of priorities of the Mauritanians.”

The campaign was generally calm despite incidents that occurred Monday evening in Nouadhibou. According to the Interior Ministry, “some supporters of one of the candidates” disrupted a rally of supporters of another competitor, without giving further details.

Biram Dah Abeid, who came second in the last two presidential elections, concluded his campaign in this city, affirming that “the magnitude of [son] meeting marks the end of the regime of corruption and mismanagement.”

The Islamist candidate of the Tewassoul party, Hamadi Ould Mohamed El Mokhtar, warned against fraud during his last meeting in Nouakchott.

Mauritanians are preparing to vote in a context where Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, elected in 2019, is the big favorite to remain at the head of the country. Mauritania stands out for its ability to contain the jihadist threat, unlike its Sahelian neighbors, and it is expected to begin gas production this year.


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