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after his catastrophic debate, could Joe Biden still be replaced?

Joe Biden’s performance has caused panic in the Democratic camp, which is increasingly doubtful about its candidate, reports the American press. But replacing the outgoing president is proving tricky… without his consent.

The first face-to-face of the American presidential campaign has sown a wave of panic among Democrats, the American press reported this Friday. Sometimes appearing disoriented, stammering several times, outgoing President Joe Biden did not reassure about his physical fitness and mental acuity, feeding more than ever doubts about his ability to govern for four more years if he were re-elected. Democratic commentators and activists were not mistaken. “There will be discussions about whether he should continue”David Axelrod, former advisor to President Barack Obama, told CNN. “I wish Biden would reflect on his performance in this debate and then announce his decision to withdraw from the race”added the editorialist of the New York Times Nicholas Kristof.

Vice-President Kamala Harris tried to put out the fire, emphasizing that “the end (of the debate) was strong” despite a “slow start” and calling for a focus on “the bottom” and not the form. The damage seems done for the Democratic camp… But time is running out to find a possible alternative to the candidacy of the outgoing president, because the presidential elections take place in less than five months. And it seems difficult to appoint a replacement within this time frame.

A replacement impossible unless there is a withdrawal

The rules of the Democratic Party do not leave much room for maneuver. Joe Biden crushed the primaries, which began last January, with 3,900 delegates acquired out of 4,000. He therefore has total legitimacy. The outgoing president is not invested for all that. He will be officially invested at the Democratic convention which will take place from August 19 to 22 in Chicago. The delegates who voted for him during the primaries must officially invest him on this occasion.

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In reality, Joe Biden can only be replaced if he resigns himself, which does not seem to be on the cards for the time being. The charter of the Democratic National Committee does provide for provisions in the event of incapacity, but “I don’t see who can implement this procedure”explains American politics specialist Nicolas Bacharan. “No one will dare to go against the president in a hostile manner”she adds.

If he withdraws, however, the cards will be completely reshuffled during the Chicago convention. “Delegates will once again be free to support the candidate of their choice”says Nicole Bacharan. “So there would be an open convention with many rounds of voting, lobbying in the back rooms…”predicts the political scientist. Something that has not happened since 1976, during the Republican convention that pitted Gerald Ford against Ronald Reagan.


Which successor?

The question of a successor would then arise, who would have to succeed in establishing himself in a very short time. The natural candidate would probably be Kamala Harris. “If he withdrew, Joe Biden would support it”assures Nicole Bacharan. In recent weeks, former candidate Hillary Clinton has made several public appearances, suggesting a potential candidacy. “It’s absurd: she’s no longer old enough and has already had her chance twice”recalls the political scientist. Michelle Obama, whose name comes up regularly? “A fantasy of panicked democrats”.

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If Joe Biden were to step down, attention would probably also turn to three Democratic governors: California’s Gavin Newsom, Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, and Illinois’ Jay Robert Pritzker. “They weigh very heavily in the party”indicates Nicole Bacharan, before tempering: “But they do not have national notoriety, but this is essential for a presidential election”.


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