DayFR Euro

David Van de Steen, one of the victims of the Brabant Killers, denounces “corrupt justice” after the announcement of the end of the investigation

He did not go to the Justitia for the meeting (of the relatives) of the victims to which the federal prosecutor had invited him. On Facebook, he denounced an “incompetent and corrupt judicial system”.

The federal prosecutor’s office invited relatives and the press on Friday to announce the official closure of the investigation into the Brabant Killers, whose attacks, mainly in supermarkets, left 28 dead in 1983 and 1985. Even if the decision was somewhat expected, it remains a bitter pill to swallow for many loved ones.

Brabant killings: the federal prosecutor’s office decides to close the investigation!

David Van de Steen, who was seriously injured and lost his older sister and parents in the attack on the Delhaize in Aalst when he was only 9 years old, deliberately did not attend Friday’s meeting. “I stubbornly refuse to have to listen like a little child to what I can or cannot believe about their investigation,” he wrote on Facebook.

“At 48, no one needs to tell me how corrupt things have been for 40 years,” he denounced. “Political and nobility families are protected to this day. Anyone who says otherwise can join the ‘federal prosecutor’s office’. I cannot and I no longer want to let myself be let down by an incompetent and corrupt judicial system.”


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