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Quebec City blue-collar workers on strike during the Quebec Summer Festival (FEQ)

Unless a last minute agreement is reached, blue-collar workers in Quebec City will be on strike during the Quebec Summer Festival (FEQ), from July 10 to 15.

The head of the Quebec City blue-collar union, Luc Boissonneault, confirmed to Journal this six-day strike early Thursday evening. However, there is still some time to avoid disruptions in the streets of Old Quebec during the FEQ.

Blue-collar workers now have an appointment with the conciliator next week. Failing an agreement, they will appear before the Administrative Labour Tribunal (TAT) to discuss the maintenance of essential services in the event of a strike.


Near the FEQ show sites, blue-collar workers ensure the cleanliness of the premises.

“It won’t necessarily be the same agreement,” said Luc Boissonneault.

The blue-collar union is dissatisfied with the progress of negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreement for manual workers, which expired on December 31, 2023.

This is the second strike by blue-collar workers, who walked out on June 21, 22 and 23.

Last year, Quebec City was concerned about a possible strike by drivers of the Réseau de transport de la capitale (RTC) during the Quebec City Summer Festival.

A little time

The City and its partners worked on planning to be ready to deal with this situation throughout the FEQ, but a settlement occurred just before the launch of activities.

Last March, members of the Syndicat des employées manuels de la Ville de Québec (CUPE 1638) voted 98% to begin pressure tactics that could go as far as a strike. The employees voted themselves a special contribution to finance their mobilization.

“The 1,340 members want recognition for all the efforts they make to make the City function well,” explained President Luc Boissonneault.

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