DayFR Euro

An “explosive meteorological cocktail” expected on Saturday in French-speaking Switzerland, MétéoSwiss alert –

In recent years, due to climate change, extreme storm events have increased in Switzerland during the summer season. This phenomenon can be explained scientifically.

“The more the air warms, the more it has the capacity to absorb water, on the order of 6 to 7% more for each additional degree Celsius. When the conditions are right for it to rain, the amount of precipitation is greater, compared to what it would have been if the global temperature had not increased”, explains in The weather Grégoire Mariéthoz, hydrogeologist at the University of Lausanne.

>> Read also: Global warming is faster in Switzerland

Morges June 25, 2024

Pumping work continues, particularly in underground car parks. [RTS – Robin Baudraz]

The latest episode hit the Morges region hard on Tuesday, June 25. The city suffered impressive flooding after the river of the same name burst its banks. While no injuries were reported, the damage was considerable. “We carried out 187 interventions in total. Most of these were floods in cellars and underground car parks,” said Thierry Charrey, commander of SIS Morget.

The Vaud Cantonal Insurance Agency (ECA) expects to receive between 2,000 and 3,000 claims following the severe storms that occurred late Tuesday afternoon. The damage could be around 20 million francs, according to an initial estimate.

>> Read also: After violent storms, Morges cleans its streets and cellars

Valais and Graubünden on June 21, 2024

Valais lifts the state of “special situation”, the water flow remains high [KEYSTONE – JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT]

A few days earlier, Valais and Graubünden bore the brunt of the uncontrolled summer weather. In Valais, the resort of Zermatt found itself cut off from the world due to floods and torrential lava, the Rhône reached a flood danger level of 3 out of 5, and in the village of Chippis, near Sierre, 230 residents of Navizence had to be evacuated “as a precautionary measure”.

>> Also read: Due to flood risk, Valais prohibits walks along the Rhône

In Graubünden, three people were buried in the Mesolcina valley after a flow of mud, stones and various materials which destroyed three houses in the village of Sorte, and a section of the A13 motorway between Lostallo and Mesocco will be closed several weeks after the partial collapse of two bridges.

>> Also read: Three people buried in Grisons still being sought after violent storms

The A13 motorway between Lostallo and Soazza in Graubünden destroyed following bad weather. [Keystone – Samuel Golay]

Lausanne, June 11, 2018

The intensity of these events is also reminiscent of the “storm of the century” which hit Lausanne on June 11, 2018 and during which nearly 50 mm of water fell in one hour. The damage from this storm generated a bill of 27 million francs, according to the Vaud cantonal insurance establishment.

A car in a flooded parking lot near the Grand-Pont. [Valentin Flauraud]

>> Also read: Violent storm causes record flooding in Lausanne region

Swiss lake levels at their highest in July 2021

Particularly rainy, the summer of 2021 was marked by flooding of several Swiss lakes, from Lake Lucerne to the Three Lakes region (Lake Neuchâtel, Lake Biel and Lake Murten), via Lake Geneva and Lake Zurich.

As a reminder, floods, landslides, debris flows and other landslides linked to bad weather in the summer of 2021 left one person dead and caused damage worth 450 million francs in Switzerland. This is the highest amount since 2007.

Some regions of Switzerland suffered flooding after several lakes overflowed during the summer of 2021, such as here in Yverdon. [KEYSTONE – Valentin Flauraud]

>> Also read: Lake levels continue to rise worryingly in Switzerland


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