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Three questions for Professor Abderrazak El Albani, teacher-researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of Environments and Materials in Poitiers

Friday, June 28, 2024 at 9:56

Paris – A team of researchers led by Abderrazak El Albani, professor at the University of Poitiers, has unraveled the mystery of marine life dating back 515 million years, trapped in volcanic deposits in Morocco. This is a unique fossilization in the world.

In an interview with MAP, Professor El Albani explains this discovery which made the front page of the leading American journal “Science” this Friday.

1- You were at the origin of a major geological discovery in Morocco revealed by the leading American journal “Science”. What is it exactly?

These are arthropod-type fossils found petrified in 3D in their final posture. They are representatives of an ecosystem 515 million years old (Ma), a marine “Pompeii”, discovered in levels of volcanic ash, at Aït Youb, in the Souss-Massa region in Morocco. This work was crowned by the cover of Science magazine. This is the best preservation of fossil life forms in volcanic ash ever observed in the world to date. Just unique in the world. We observe all the details, even micrometric ones, including the digestive tract, the stomach, etc. The specimens are neither deformed nor altered. It is a 3D photograph of the time (515 million years) without change.

2- What does the publication of this work by the American journal “Science” mean to you?

An honor, a privilege and an achievement for a motivated and competent international team that I have been leading for several years. “Science” is one of the two best scientific magazines in the world. We have also obtained the cover of this prestigious American magazine, which will further contribute to Morocco’s influence on an international scale.

3- What recommendation do you make to the scientific community and the authorities in charge of heritage for the development of the Ait Youb site?

My main recommendation and at the same time concern is to use all possible means to protect the Moroccan geological and paleontological heritage. Ensure that this site and others are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Otherwise, these sites may unfortunately disappear. It is about protecting this heritage and at the same time opening it to science and scientists.


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