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New director accused of wanting to accommodate relatives mentions retrenchment measures

At the Senegal Television Broadcasting Company (Tds SA), some workers are gnashing their teeth due to the wave of dismissals of the new director, Aminata Sarr.

According to Bès-bi in today’s publication, he is accused of “wanting to accommodate his loved ones by getting rid of certain agents recruited by his predecessor”. Allegation which she defends and justifies by “a repression measure” in order to rebalance “the large payroll” which threatens the company.

It is thus continues, the newspaper that, “the current director sent a pile of notifications of termination of contracts a few days after her entry” evoking “economic reasons” that the company would be faced with.

“Given the difficult economic situation of the company, and for reasons of reorganization, I regret to inform you that our collaboration will end as of July 31, 2024,” she said.

This argument from Aminata Sarr does not seem to convince the agents concerned, because “she has been carrying out new recruitments for several days” yet she “says that Tds cannot support people that the former director Nafissatou Diouf had recruited”.

“These are acts of relentlessness” castigates a member of the company’s staff. If this situation of dismissal is running the streets it is because according to Bès-bi “Aminata Sarr in her quest for a place for her companions, did not spare agents recruited on fixed-term contracts” moreover the newspaper learned that “some dismissed people were approached for an amicable settlement of their fate”.

Contacted by Bès-bi, Nafissatou Diouf’s replacement justifies her measures by an “alarming situation and a recruitment which did not respect the opinion of the Board of Directors and others by the procedure”.

However, Aminata Sarr says that: “we are going to find ways to redefine their positioning within the company because it also represents hope for their families.”


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