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Abdourahmane Sarr, Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation: “Promoting local content requires the implementation of concrete measures”

The Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation Abdourahmane Sarr chaired yesterday, Thursday June 27, the opening ceremony of the 20e edition of the Business Conference organized by the National Employers’ Council (CNP). The theme of these conferences is “Public-private partnership and local content”. According to the minister, the promotion of local content requires the implementation of concrete and concerted measures.

The promotion of local content requires the implementation of concrete and concerted measures. This is the conviction of the Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation Abbdourahmane Sarr. He spoke yesterday, Thursday June 27, during the opening ceremony of the 20e edition of the Assises de l’entreprise organized by the Conseil national du patronat (Cnp). Among these measures, he cites the Consolidation of existing mechanisms; the new PPP framework, fully operational and which lays the foundations for increased involvement of the national and community private sector in the implementation of major projects of general interest (for example, at least 33% of the capital of a company that must carry out a PPP project is reserved for nationals and priority is given to them on subcontracting operations within the framework of PPP contracts). Promoting local content will require new measures. Among these, we can cite the adoption of a legislative and regulatory framework more favorable to local content requirements beyond the hydrocarbons and mining sector, in particular through the ongoing revision of the Investment Code to integrate this concern; strengthening the support system for national businesses, particularly through their financing; the establishment of investment incentive mechanisms, and the development of infrastructure necessary for the production and marketing of local products », he listed. Furthermore, he also underlined the need to mobilize all stakeholders, indicating that the success of the strategy for promoting local content depends on the mobilization and commitment of all stakeholders, namely the State, the private sector. national, civil society and technical and financial partners. As a result, he recommends strengthening the spirit of public-private dialogue with the establishment of a harmonious framework. He takes advantage of this platform to launch a vibrant appeal to the private sector to take more risks in order to take full advantage of the potential of key sectors of our economy. The minister notes that the Senegal Systemic Transformation Project has defined major directions for achieving economic sovereignty through the development of a national strategy for the development of a strong private sector, integrating the territorial dimension, with the all stakeholders. To succeed in this bet, he thinks it is essential to support reinforcement.



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