DayFR Euro

“A risk of thunderstorms on Saturday?” Farid answers your weather question

Hello Johan, I would rather plan for a barbecue at midday. Indeed, Belgium will find itself at the crossroads of air masses and a very warm rise will affect the east of France with violent storms over Alsace/Lorraine. This deterioration will have a strong chance of spilling over into a large southern half of the country and the province of Namur in the late afternoon and evening. High/medium clouds then an increasing risk of showers from France in contact with an active warm front from 4-6 p.m.! It will be quite hot with 23 to 25°C but watch out for good rain in the evening while stormy activity will be confined mainly to the provinces of Liège and Luxembourg. However, the situation looks quite unstable and the evening still seems quite risky to me, especially as the rain could last part of the night.

And for the rest of the country this Friday?

Behind this inactive cold front, we will find a fairly clear sky with some cirrus or cumuliform clouds to the south during the morning. With the westerly current a little more humid and turbulent, it could also bud on the center with cumulus rather arranged in lines and sharing the sky with the very present sun (omnipresent on the coast). Afternoon, same type of weather without stories but much more breathable since we will lose a little ten degrees in places. We will find our seasonal temperatures between 18 and 23°C while we will be treated to an alternating sky but dry and bright weather. Still more sun at the sea and in Gaume and overall a nice day. The wind will be moderate from the west sector and quite strong at the sea while the sky will clear again in the evening giving way to a big blue.


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