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Few risks but several cities under surveillance: authorities on alert before Sunday’s vote

“No proven risk has been objectified” for the evening of the first round of the legislative elections. According to an intelligence note that Le Parisien was able to consult, the risks of public order disturbances for the vote scheduled for this Sunday have not been “objectified”.

Find on our dedicated pages the candidates in your constituency and, on June 30 from 8 p.m., the results of the first round of the legislative elections in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and throughout France.

“The political, community and union activists leading the protests against the far right have not yet given any instructions for mobilization for the evening of June 30,” the note states, stressing that calls for demonstrations could be launched on July 8, the day after the second round of early legislative elections “depending on the results of the vote.” Furthermore, no plans for “violent action” have been detected on the social networks of the far-left and far-right movements.

Asked on CNews, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had addressed the security risk during the two elections on Tuesday, mentioning “possible disturbances to public order”. “We are preparing for it, the police and gendarmes will be out in force,” he assured.

Several cities to watch

Several cities should be the subject of particular attention: Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulouse, Nantes, Angers, Lille, Rennes, Strasbourg, Brest, Nancy and Lyon. “The most radical elements could attempt actions against institutional buildings or the electoral offices of certain candidates,” the intelligence services continue. In a letter addressed to Gérald Darmanin, Grégory Doucet, the Green mayor of Lyon, also asked the government to send police reinforcements “in a context of high tensions” linked in particular to “the risk of the extreme right coming to power.”

The working-class districts of Nantes, in Loire-Atlantique, and Douai, in the North, “could experience some tensions” on Sunday, the note adds. On the other hand, in the overseas territories, “no major risk or call for mobilization” has been detected.

A more tense second round

The second round, however, promises to be more explosive. Intelligence services anticipate a “higher risk of public disorder”, predicting in particular “spontaneous gatherings” especially if the far right comes to power.

“Urban violence could take place, not to mention the risk of clashes between far-left and far-right activists,” the intelligence services conclude.


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