Pierre Vollaire, the mayor of Les Orres, decorated with the Legion of Honor by the prefect
DayFR Euro

Pierre Vollaire, the mayor of Les Orres, decorated with the Legion of Honor by the prefect

The mayor of Les Orres, Pierre Vollaire, was decorated with the Legion of Honor this Friday, September 13.

This Friday, September 13, on the snow front of the Orres resort (Hautes-Alpes), Mayor Pierre Vollaire was decorated with the Legion of Honor, the highest distinction of the French Republic.

At the end of this ceremony, which took place in the resort’s innovation center, the Hautes-Alpes prefect, Dominique Dufour, presented the badge to the mayor.

“It was a bit of a surprise”

Moved, Pierre Vollaire thanked his family, friends and colleagues for their help in all these projects which allowed him to be chosen.

“It was a bit of a surprise, it was my friend the former prefect, Jean-François Savy, who sent me a text message to tell me that he had seen my nomination in the official journal,” he explained.

For Dominique Dufour, the prefect of Hautes-Alpes, this badge is totally deserved.

“As a business leader, he innovated and as an elected official, he was able to transform the territories in which he acted, he truly served France and so it is normal that he is honored today with this distinction,” analyzes the State representative.

A video message from Jean Castex

For the town hall team and its deputies, it is a real source of pride to see the mayor decorated, as second deputy Chantal Roux testifies.

“[Pierre Vollaire est] a person of great stature, of great simplicity and who has great values,” she stressed.

Senator Jean-Michel Arnaud also attended the ceremony and spoke to congratulate him. A video message recorded by his friend, former Prime Minister Jean Castex, was broadcast.


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