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61% of French people are afraid of violent demonstrations after the legislative elections

According to an exclusive survey by the CSA Institute for CNEWS, Europe 1 and JDD published this Thursday, June 27, 61% of French people are worried that violent demonstrations will take place after the results of the legislative elections.

A growing concern. A majority of French people (61%) are afraid of seeing violent demonstrations break out following the results of the early legislative elections, according to a survey by the CSA Institute for CNEWS, Europe 1 and the JDD published this Thursday.


This concern of the French goes hand in hand with the declarations of the Paris police prefect. Indeed, Laurent Nuñez recognized, this Wednesday, June 26, that the police were preparing for the possibility of excesses on the nights of June 30 and July 7.

Thus, in the details of this survey, women are more worried about potential violent demonstrations than men. They are 64% in this case compared to 58% for men.

Age a worry factor

The results of the study highlight that age is a factor in worsening worry. In fact, only 54% of respondents in the 18-24 year old category fear the appearance of violent demonstrations following the electoral vote, compared to 57% for 35-49 year olds and 67% for those over 65 years old. .

The observation is the same when we look at the socio-professional category of the respondents. Thus, the CSP+ are less concerned (57%), than the CSP- (59%) and the inactive (65%).

Very concerned LR voters

On the political side, the voters surveyed are, whatever the party, mainly worried about seeing violent demonstrations break out when the results of the legislative elections are announced.

In detail, respondents close to France Insoumise are among the least alarmed (61%) but still have a share of 4% of people who do not have an opinion.

Those close to the Socialist Party and Europe Écologie-Les Verts, allies of LFI, are respectively 62% and 69% afraid of violent demonstrations.

On the right of the political spectrum, 63% of voters surveyed close to the National Rally have this feeling. This is 12 points less than for those close to the Republicans, 75% of whom fear violent demonstrations.

Finally, 61% of respondents claiming to belong to the presidential majority and its Renaissance party are worried about the outbreak of violent movements following the early legislative elections.

*The survey was carried out via a self-administered questionnaire, on June 25 and 26, among a representative sample of 1,011 people aged 18 and over, using quota methods.


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