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94% of medical students boycotted exams (CNEMEP)


June 27, 2024 at 09:45

It’s here national commission for students in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy who confirmed it yesterday evening in a press release: 94% of medical students boycotted the exams of the second semester of the current academic year.

“This action follows the results of the general assemblies and the national vote which reached more than 90% support for the student desire to continue the boycott, in response to arbitrary decisions not canceled and continued attempts at blackmail,” indicates the commission . And to clarify that the recent government offer did not meet the expectations of students, thus refusing to unjustifiably maintain the exam dates decided unilaterally despite the absence of adequate educational conditions for their holding.

Welcoming the commitment of the students and their “militant spirit”, the commission affirms that the decision to boycott the exams on the first day was a success. “94% of students in all public faculties of medicine and pharmacy in Morocco have not passed these tests. And remember that this session is the fourth scheduled this academic year, all boycotted by students.

As a sign of commitment, the striking students chose exam day to travel to blood transfusion centers across the country to donate blood and to take part in campaigns to clean beaches and public gardens.

The committee also welcomed the mobilization of families students as well as their moral and material support for their children.

The students also appealed to the government to “cease restrictive practices and assume their political responsibility in the management of the matter. We hold them fully responsible for the consequences on the current academic year in the event of their persistence in their obstinacy. “Let us call for a positive response to the demands of medical and pharmacy students and to quickly resolve the crisis through serious and responsible dialogue, in order to avoid the scenario of a blank year.”

Government blames students

If the students hold the government responsible for the deterioration of the situation, the head of government does the same and reminds the students of their responsibility towards society. Guest of the “Café Citoyen”, Aziz Akhannouch reaffirmed that the education reform is progressing and recalled “the civic responsibility of medical students”. “The country needs you and if you are medical students today, tomorrow you will be our doctors and the doctors of our children. In fact, when you are a doctor, you put yourself at the service of your country, of your company,” said Mr. Akhannouch.


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