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Reducing inheritance tax, a good idea? “We don’t want it to be the workers who pay”

In the maneuver to form a government in Wallonia, Le MR and Les Engagés wish to reduce inheritance taxes. For the PTB this can be a good measure, provided that “workers should not be the losers” of this operation.

Germain Mugemangango, the leader of the PTB in the Walloon Parliament, was the guest of Bel RTL matin. At the microphone of Martin Buxant, he commented on the proposal of the MR and the Engagés to reduce inheritance taxes.

Reducing inheritance taxes is one of the measures that is on the table. What do you think?

In itself, it’s not a bad idea of ​​course. We ourselves have thought about the transmission of a house from one generation to the next in our program. We see how complicated it is. There are two questions that arise. The first is the feasibility of such a measure. Everyone is realizing that it is hundreds of thousands of euros that we are talking about. The other important element is who will pay? Since it is the same political party which is fighting precisely to protect the ultra-rich in Belgium which does not want a tax on millionaires which says: we are going to lower taxation on inheritance taxes. If it is so that workers win on one side, but lose on the other, that is not interesting. In itself, the fact of facilitating ownership, for us it is really an essential element, but we do not want it to be the workers who pay.

Facilitating access to property for a communist movement, isn’t that paradoxical?

Not at all, we have always been for people to be able to have a house, their property, obviously it is important. This should not be confused with the ownership of major economic resources, it is not the same thing.

inheritance rights ptb mr les Engagés wallonia elections belgium 2024


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