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Marine Le Pen denies the exclusion of millions of dual nationals from the French administration [Désintox]

Marine Le Pen calls out “fake news” about her desire to exclude millions of French people with a second nationality from jobs in the administration. “The restriction would only concern a few dozen very sensitive jobs in strategic positions in defense, nuclear or intelligence for example,” assures Jean-Marie’s daughter. Just for the areas mentioned, it is obvious that this would concern much more than “a few dozen jobs”, but let’s move on. Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella do not seem to be aware of the structural difficulties for the DGSE in recruiting specialists proficient in “literal Arabic”, for example.

But let’s return to the famous “fake news” supposed by the one who as a child called Adolf Hitler, “Uncle Dolphi”. Have the media lied or is this a new retreat from the National Rally which, in a few days, has unraveled the main economic promises of its program? Abandoning any return to Macron’s economic and social reforms, all that remains is discrimination against foreigners and dual nationals as an electoral bone to gnaw.

A “fake news” that can nevertheless be consulted in the National Assembly?

If there is indeed a backpedaling on this exclusion of dual nationals from public jobs -at least verbally-, this measure was indeed in the National Rally program (see p.36) at least since the 2022 presidential election. A measure that Marine Le Pen wanted to impose by referendum to circumvent any rejection by the Constitutional Council.

It is also the same discriminatory article included in the proposed constitutional law “Citizenship-identity-immigration”, tabled in the National Assembly by Marine Le Pen and her parliamentary group, on January 25, 2024. Its objective is to “prohibit access to jobs in the administration, public enterprises, and legal entities entrusted with a public service mission to persons who have the nationality of another State.”

The “paper French” soon to be unemployed?

We see in black and white that the restriction does not only concern the administration, as Marine Le Pen falsely reiterated in her denunciatory tweet, but also public companies, private companies and associations charged with a public service mission. According to the CFDT, if the RN managed to pass this measure, “3.3 million French people could tomorrow be denied access to employment” in these sectors.

Furthermore, the very vague wording of Article 4 paragraph 6 does not mention any notion of “very sensitive employment” or “strategic position”, thus allowing progressive application depending on resistance within society. Moreover, Marine writes it herself: “This short list would be reviewed very regularly depending on geopolitical news and its consequences for our country.” The far right in government would therefore start with sensitive positions in the field of defense and security, to extend it to ministries and diplomacy (as is already the case here) without even waiting for the elections. And afterwards, this will concern the administration in general and why not the RATP, hospitals, schools, France Travail, or the MJC, as the bill allows.

We have to go back to the 1930s to see jobs prohibited to dual nationals. At this dark time, those who had acquired French nationality less than 10 years ago could not claim to work as a lawyer, doctor, or in a ministerial role. So the story could stutter again. French citizens will again be split into two categories of different grades. Ironically, those who will decide with an ax among the dual nationals likely to betray the French nation are the very ones who owe the financial survival of their party only to the banks of the Russian oligarchs.


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