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The connection of Oued El Makhazine and Dar Khrofa operational in September

It is part of one of the water projects on which Morocco is banking heavily to deal with the water crisis. The project to interconnect the Oued El Makhazine dam (Ksar El Kébir province) with the Dar Khrofa dam (Larache province) is progressing well and should be ready at the end of next August or at the beginning of September, according to the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohammed Sadiki, during a conference organized by the Links Foundation in Casablanca.

This future water highway, the construction of which is entrusted to the SNCE-SOGEA-SOGETRAMA and STAM-CAPEP group, extends over a length of 32 kilometers. Its achievement required the mobilization of 900 million dirhams.

Upon its completion, this highly anticipated station will serve as a weapon against the water stress plaguing Morocco, particularly in the Northern region, and will transfer 100 million cubic meters of water per year from the Oued El Makhazine dam to the Dar dam. Khrofa via a canal under construction, with an estimated flow of 3.2 cubic meters per second.

It will thus ensure the supply of drinking water to the city of Tangier and will enable the irrigation of 10,000 hectares of agricultural land in the region.

This project is part of the emergency program to counter the water crisis. This aims to strengthen and diversify sources of drinking water supply with a view to reducing pressure on the various dams.

This water highway which will soon be operational is the first of its kind in the Northern region and the second at the national level, after that linking the Sebou and Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah dams in Rabat (See benchmark).

It should be noted that the work to create this new water highway includes several works, in particular the installation of the connection pipe from the pumping station to the dam, a pumping station with a flow rate of 3.2 m3/s, a steel discharge pipe, a balance chimney for the protection of the discharge and supply pipes, a gravity pipe up to the crossing of the municipal road coming from the road regional 410 near Douar Kiyayara and an overhead high voltage electricity connection line.

Added to this is the installation of a gravity pipe after crossing the municipal road coming from regional road 410 near Douar Kiyayara, up to the restitution work at the Dar Khrofa dam. The completion time for this project is 8 months for each batch.


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