DayFR Euro

LFI and working-class neighborhoods, a winning strategy?


This was the double big bet of La France insoumise (LFI) for the European elections: that working-class neighborhoods vote more. And for its list, led by Manon Aubry. The strategy to achieve this objective has been widely criticized by Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party: trying to seduce the suburbs and citizens of Muslim faith by placing the Palestinian cause at the heart of the campaign.

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Was the first bet won? Has abstention decreased? It is a mixed success for the “rebels”. Although it is difficult to estimate the overall participation for all of these territories, the analysis of the results in certain departments or emblematic cities allows us to answer this question.

In Seine-Saint-Denis, for example, the participation rate rose to around 43%, an increase of 4 points compared to the 2019 European elections. In these territories usually little mobilized, even less for This type of electoral deadline, this progression is seen as a strong signal. “We don’t realize it, but in principle neighborhoods don’t vote in European elections, even less so than in other elections, so yes, on this point, it’s an incredible success”judge Youcef Brakni, member of the Truth and Justice for Adama committee, named after Adama Traoré, young man who died in 2016 in Val-d’Oise after an arrest.

“The dynamic is there”

In La Courneuve, 36.3% of those registered went to the polls, an increase of more than 4 points compared to 2019. “This shows that the residents of the neighborhoods also have aspirations and are more interested in politics than you might think when you take the trouble to go see them”welcomes Aly Diouara, president of the political-citizen movement La Seine-Saint-Denis au coeur, who has just obtained the investiture of the New Popular Front in the 5e constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, facing the “rebellious” Raquel Garrido, “let go” by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“There is a whole ecosystem of young people who are becoming politicized and who intend to transform themselves into the power to actadds Inès Seddiki, 33, founder of Ghett’up, an association which aims to enable young people from the neighborhoods to take their place in society. There was an unprecedented mobilization of neighborhoods during these European elections which was not highlighted enough, but the dynamic is there. »

As proof, she puts forward, the creation of the Popular Youth Front. The initiative was born instantly, urgently, in the forty-eight hours following the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly, with the prospect of seeing the far right, largely in the lead. in the European elections, obtain a majority.

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