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Senegal: Sadio Mané presents his sporting projects and his ambitions in the agro-industry to the Prime Minister – VivAfrik

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko said he received, on Friday June 14, 2024, the international Sadio Mané who came to talk to him about his sporting projects in Senegal, but above all to talk to him about his ambition to invest in agro-industry.

“I received Mr. Sadio Mané who came to talk to me about his sporting projects in Senegal, but above all about his ambitions to invest in agro-industry,” indicated the head of government in a message from which the APS received awareness.

The Prime Minister said he encouraged the Senegalese star striker in this direction, before launching “an appeal to all Senegalese wishing to support the collective effort towards a better Senegal, to come and invest in the structural transformation of our economy” .

“They will find the necessary listening, attention and support from the State, in accordance with the program and the instructions of His Excellency, the President of the Republic”, Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye, he said. assured.

Mr. Sonko also magnified “the patriotic decision” of Sadio Mané “to offer free advertising to our national company Air Senegal through a display on the jerseys of the Bourges Foot 18 club of which he is the owner”.

Moctar FICUU / VivAfrik


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