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Legislative elections: the French demonstrate against the extreme right, the left is torn apart and Hollande presents himself (photos)

VShow did we get here? In less than a week, France has gone from a rather stable political situation to total legislative and popular chaos, since the victory of the far right in the European elections and, subsequently, the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron. Today, France is torn apart, from right to left, just two weeks before the first round of legislative elections.

“Fascism, we eliminate it or we die of it”

The announcement of the results of the National Rally in the European elections, when less than half of French people went to the polls last Sunday, turned into a real shock in France, pushing the French to take to the streets, everywhere.

Thousands of opponents of the far right, who hope for a “popular tidal wave”, take to the streets on Saturday throughout France at the call of unions, associations and the left of the “New Popular Front”, already shaken by accusations of “purge” within LFI, against a backdrop of a political landscape dynamited by the dissolution decided by Emmanuel Macron.

Reims. – AFP.
Nantes. – AFP.
Nantes. – AFP.
Paris. – AFP.
Strasbourg. – AFP.
Paris. – AFP.
Paris. -Reuters.
Strasbourg. – AFP.

From Bayonne to Nice, Vannes, Reims and Puy-en-Velay, anti-RN France is mobilizing against the prospect of a victory for the far right in the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 with the result being hypothesis of an entry of the head of the National Rally Jordan Bardella into Matignon.

Around 200 protests are planned over the weekend.

Hollande candidate, controversy at LFI

This morning, several emblematic figures of the La France Insoumise (LFI) party, member of the New Popular Front of the left, revolted upon learning of their non-renewal for the legislative elections. Ahead of this controversy, François Hollande, the former French president, announced that he was a candidate in the department of Corrèze for the Socialist Party, also included in this left-wing alliance set up to block the far right. In the afternoon, the Socialist Party therefore announced that it would nominate former President François Hollande for the legislative elections, taking note of the choice of the Corrèze federation and the decision of the former head of state to recognize himself ” in the project of the New Popular Front”.

Read also
France: this elephant in the room that still burdens the left


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