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The new electric car from BYD, Tesla’s biggest competitor, thinks it’s a Jeep

After a concept at the Beijing Motor Show in April 2024, BYD, Tesla’s biggest competitor, presents the production version of its Fang Chang Bao Super 3. An adventurer-style electric car, of which here is the first information.

Fang Cheng Bao Super 3 // Source: Fang Cheng Bao

You probably know BYD, which is fighting with Tesla to become the world’s number one electric company. If you read Superchargedyou may have heard of its brands Denza, co-created with Mercedes-Benz, and YangWang, specializing in quite… demonstrative cars.

On the other hand, it is unlikely that you know Fang Cheng Bao. This third sub-brand is completely unknown in Europe, but has just been presented on Weibo the first images of its new electric car, the Super 3, after a concept presented at the Beijing Motor Show in April 2024.

An adventurer style

This production version certainly offers a more refined version of the concept, but retains a fairly demonstrative style, reminiscent of that of the Jeep. The appearance is massive, the wheel arches are very marked, in short, this Super 3 plays the codes of adventurers.

Fang Cheng Bao Super 3 // Source: Fang Cheng Bao

Some details: at the rear, you can obviously choose between hanging a spare wheel, in the 4×4 tradition, or what seems to be a small additional trunk, a bit like the electric Mercedes-Benz G-Class.

We also notice a roof rack in some photos, which reminds us of the concept, where the roof could “transform” into a base for a drone. An idea taken from the production version? Feng Cheng Bao remains silent on the subject.

Some technical details

The brand remains equally silent on the technical characteristics of this Super 3… unlike our friends at MIIT, the Chinese Ministry of Industry, who has put some information online.

Fang Cheng Bao Super 3 // Source: Fang Cheng Bao

This Super 3 would therefore measure 4.61 m long (including 2.74 m wheelbase) by 1.90 m wide and 1.72 m high. As an adventurer, it offers two electric motors to provide four-wheel drive: count 110 kW (150 hp) at the front and 220 kW (299 hp) at the rear.

The battery obviously uses BYD’s Blade cells, even if its capacity has not yet been revealed, as has its autonomy. Fang Cheng Bao has also not announced an arrival in Europe, even if BYD’s appetite for our continent could tip the scales. Unless the increase in customs fees, requested by the European Commission, calls things into question?


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