DayFR Euro

Reduce premiums: discussions are already resuming

It is now confirmed. Despite the clear desire of French-speaking people to cap the amount of their health insurance premiums, this will not be the case at the federal level. The opportunity to relaunch debates at the cantonal level, where the initiative has been accepted. In Fribourg, for example, the socialists have already taken the bull by the horns. In 2021, the party tabled a cantonal initiative similar to the one voted on this weekend. The Grand Council then decided to postpone processing of the text, pending the results of the federal initiative.

Based on the observation that this was approved by 55% of Friborg residents on Sunday, deputies Simon Zurich and Grégoire Kubski relaunched the Council of State on Tuesday on the subject of the cantonal initiative. The executive will therefore soon have to position itself on a possible Friborg version of the text rejected this weekend.

Coincidentally, the Valais Grand Council also discussed, on Thursday, a postulate tabled in September by the Neo group in which it was requested to “adapt premium reductions to the annual increases in health insurance”. But, despite the desire for cheaper bonuses for the most needy expressed on Sunday by the Valais residents (52.3% yes), the postulate did not pass the ramp. “The counter-project to the initiative on reducing premiums already provides for an increase in subsidies,” argued Centrist Corentin Zuber in particular.

There will also be debates at the federal level. Two motions were tabled this week with the aim, in particular, of increasing the minimum deductible of 300 francs, noted the newspapers of the CH Media group on Thursday. An increase of 50 francs would reduce premiums by 0.5%. For some elected officials, having everything reimbursed once the deductible amount has been reached would encourage them to receive care that is not necessarily useful. If this amount increased, policyholders would think twice before seeking advice.


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