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Legislative elections in France: Macron rules out resigning “whatever the result”

Emmanuel Macron ruled out resigning “whatever the result” of the early legislative elections called after the defeat of his camp in the European elections, in an interview published Tuesday by the Figaro Magazine.

• Read also: Legislative elections in France: an “extremely risky act”, according to a French journalist

• Read also: Dissolution in France: Macron in blitzkrieg, the favorite far right

• Read also: We need to stop shouting at the far right all the time!

Asked about the risk that the National Rally (RN, far right), in the event of victory, would request his resignation, the French president dismissed this hypothesis according to the weekly. “It is not the RN which writes the Constitution, nor the spirit of it. The institutions are clear, the place of the president, whatever the result, is also clear. It’s an intangible for me,” he replied.

He said he was once again ready to debate with Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right deputies in the dissolved National Assembly. “Of course! I am ready to wear our colors and defend our project,” he said.

“I’m going there to win!” assured the president, in this interview conducted Monday afternoon, the day after his shock announcement of the dissolution which took everyone by surprise, including his own Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

To those who consider it “crazy” to cause such a political earthquake, Emmanuel Macron retorts: “no, not at all”. “I only think about France. It was the right decision, in the interest of the country. And I say to the French, don’t be afraid, go vote.”

Before his press conference expected on Wednesday to set the tone for the Macronist campaign, he explained that he wanted to go to the polls “by broadening out and clarifying his line”.

He added his intention to “reach out to all those who are ready to come and govern and work towards a synthesis in the sense of ambitious radicalism”, without saying exactly how, since he has not succeeded since 2022 to expand its relative majority.

“I never believed in polls,” he insisted. “A new campaign is beginning and we must not look at the scores by constituency in terms of those of the Europeans,” he continued.

  • Listen to the interview with Alexandre Devecchio, journalist at Le Figaro on Mathieu Bock-Côté’s show via QUB :
High tensions on the right and the left

Emmanuel Macron postponed for 24 hours his press conference intended to unveil his “orientation” for France as tensions peak on the right and the left, two days after the dissolution of the National Assembly, against a backdrop of calls from the extreme right to build the “rally” around it.

Initially scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, this high mass of questions and answers with journalists will finally be held on Wednesday at midday, the Élysée announced.


Mr. Macron will indicate “the direction he believes is right for the Nation”, just 18 days before the first round of the shortest legislative campaign in the history of the Fifth Republic.

In the meantime, “the political clarification called for on Sunday by the President of the Republic is currently at work”, according to the presidency, and “the republican forces on one side, the extremist forces on the other are positioning themselves” .

According to a Harris Interactive – Toluna poll published Monday, the National Rally (RN, far right), whose president Jordan Bardella emerged as the big winner in the European elections, is credited with 34% of voting intentions for the first round on June 30. This would allow him to obtain a relative majority during the second round on July 7, with 235 to 265 deputies.

The Macronists, with 19%, could only count on 125 to 155 seats, compared to 115 to 145 for the left, credited with 22% under its new unitary banner, the “Popular Front”.

Another poll on Tuesday reveals that a large majority of French people, 66%, are “satisfied” with the dissolution of the National Assembly announced in the wake of the European elections.

Major maneuvers

On the right, major maneuvers are underway. The RN continues to push its advantage, with its new favorite status, sowing trouble within the Republicans (LR, right). Xavier Bertrand, one of the party’s figures, demanded a “clarification” from his party president Eric Ciotti.

Designated leader for Matignon in the event of a victory for the RN, Jordan Bardella repeated his desire to “build the largest possible majority”, with a strategy based exclusively on local arrangements, and affirmed that his movement “will support” candidates “from the Republicans”.


Already on Monday, the boss of the RN Marine Le Pen said she was “of course capable” of not presenting a candidate against LR candidates with whom an agreement had been reached.

“If some people want to go with the RN, let them say so now,” the boss of the Hauts-de-France region (north) said on -, indicating that he would “not support a right-wing candidate who would be supported by the RN.

Also unthinkable for the leader of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix, another figure of the Republicans: “We will be candidates under our colors, without arrangements”.

Eric Ciotti must speak on the 1 p.m. news on the TF1 channel.

“Build something else”

On the left, the alliance envisaged by the main actors was roundly criticized by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal on Tuesday, deeming it “revolting” that the socialists wanted to “build an agreement” with France Insoumise (LFI, radial left).

The four main left-wing parties (LFI, PS, ecologists, PCF) in fact found common ground on Monday evening and called for “single candidacies from the first round”.

Negotiations resumed Tuesday morning, to refine a common program and distribute the 577 constituencies. But the choice of a leader remains unresolved.

The case of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the boss of LFI, accused in particular of ambiguities on the question of anti-Semitism, also tenses party leaders, like the socialist Olivier Faure, who believes that “he does not “there is no logic” to him “being the candidate” of the left to be prime minister.

“He was not in the discussions” Monday evening, said communist Fabien Roussel.

The presidential camp remains in ambush: former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has come out of his reserve to call for “building a new majority”, which according to him must “open up” to “all the political forces of the central bloc” , in particular LR.

“I will go to the end of my duty as a citizen attached to his country who will give everything to avoid the worst” and “to the end of my duty as Prime Minister to act in the services of the French until the last minute”, he said. assured side Gabriel Attal.

Everyone is in any case pressed for time: applications must be submitted between Wednesday and Sunday, 6 p.m. while the electoral campaign will begin on Monday.


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