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The woman portrayed in the series demands $170 million in compensation from Netflix

Seven episodes that continue to get people talking. A few months after the release of the series My little reindeer on Netflix, the “baby reindeer” is always the Source of tensions between the director, who claims to have depicted “a true story” that he had suffered, and the woman shown as his harasser.

This woman that actor Richard Gadd decided to call Martha makes his life hell in this series seen by millions of people around the world. The problem is that Martha really exists and she was identified by fans of My little reindeer. Openly denying the acts of harassment that she is accused of, the British Fiona Harvey has decided to file a complaint against Netflix for defamation, demanding in the process the tidy sum of 170 million dollars in compensation. Or the equivalent of 8,500 new Renault Twingos.

Richard Gadd plays himself in the series “My Little Reindeer” that he created. Jessica Gunning plays Martha, a woman described as a stalker.-Netflix

A series inspired by a one-man show

This series inspired by Richard Gadd’s one-man show was created during a festival in Edinburgh in 2019. But it was its adaptation to the screen and its broadcast on the Netflix platform that made the work explode in the eyes. of the world. The Scottish actor, who plays Donny, his own character, recounts his ordeal when he met Fiona Harvey and the influence she had over him.

A version widely contradicted by the first suspect, who in turn has been experiencing a campaign of online harassment since his identity was revealed. “This claim is the biggest lie in the history of television,” criticizes the complaint filed by Fiona Harvey in California. The latter considers that she has been defamed and accuses Netflix of having caused her moral damage. “This is a lie told by Netflix and by the creator of the series, Richard Gadd, out of greed and a thirst for fame. This is a lie designed to attract more viewers, attention, make more money and viciously destroy the life of the complainant, Fiona Harvey,” the document continues. This, he claims, “because it was a better story than the truth”.

Thousands of emails and voicemails

In the series, Martha harasses the comedian over several years, sending him thousands of emails and voicemails, going to the bar where he works and his comedy shows, even going so far as to leave take from his parents and his girlfriend. She is also shown to have committed a sexual assault on the actor. At the end of April, Richard Gadd called on Instagram for fans of the series to stop trying to discover the identity of the characters.

In interviews, he said he changed details of the story in order to protect the real Martha, but the identity of Fiona Harvey quickly circulated on social networks, with Internet users going so far as to make threats against her.


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