DayFR Euro

Integrated regional development: The importance of the contractual approach highlighted in Fez

Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9:05 p.m.

Fez – Participants in a thematic conference, organized Thursday in Fez by the Chamber of Advisors on advanced regionalization, pleaded for a contractual approach with a view to achieving convergence and integrated and sustainable development at the regional level.

The speakers as part of a panel organized under the theme “the contractual approach as a mechanism for achieving convergence and integrated and sustainable development”, underlined the need to establish the contractual approach as a means of realizing the programs of development, focusing on the difficulties that hinder the implementation of the advanced regionalization project.

In this context, Mina Rouchati, president of the Commission for advanced regionalization and rural and territorial development within the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) noted the importance of this theme, especially since advanced regionalization has entered a crucial phase requiring strong mobilization with a view to effective implementation of this new approach.

Ms. Rouchati indicated that the region constitutes a main territorial space for the decentralized organization of the State and the development and implementation of public policies and development programs, adding that the CESE attaches particular interest to the questions relating to this advanced regionalization project in its reports and advisory opinions.

The manager also emphasized the main difficulties concerning the implementation of the contractual approach, in particular the respect of commitments on the part of the different parties, considering that the clarification of the relationship between the decentralized services of the The State and local authorities with regard to partnership agreements, constitutes a sine qua non condition for the successful launch of the process of implementing the provisions of the decree relating to administrative deconcentration.

For his part, Professor at the Faculty of Law of Fez, Rachid Adnane focused on the obstacles hindering the implementation of the advanced regionalization process by focusing on the aspect of the contractual approach with the regions, citing in particular the difficulties linked to the application of the provisions of the administrative deconcentration charter, the convergence of public territorial policies and the mobilization of the land base and the necessary financial and human resources.

The academic estimated that the contractual method should take into consideration the specificities of each region, especially since each of them has its own demographic, social and economic structure.

In a statement to the press, the first vice-president of the chamber of advisors, Mohamed Hanine indicated that this thematic meeting, initiated in partnership with the council of the Fez-Meknes region, takes place as part of a series of meetings organized in preparation for the sixth Parliamentary Forum on advanced regionalization.

Regionalization is an irreversible strategic choice given that it was enshrined constitutionally and legislatively by giving the region priority over other local authorities, he said, adding that the meeting is an opportunity to take stock of nine years of advanced regionalization.

This meeting focuses on the challenges linked to the contractual approach as a mechanism for achieving convergence in terms of integrated and sustainable development at the regional level.

This conference aims to explore fundamental approaches to change at the level of the legal system and shed light on the constraints that have prevented local authorities, in practice, from achieving the necessary efficiency in management with neglect of the mechanism of conventions and of the possibilities it offers for achieving convergence at the level of territorial public policies.

The conference is divided into panels focusing on the challenges linked to the contractual approach to achieve integrated and sustainable development and on the question of skills and the issues of mobilizing the financial and human resources necessary for the implementation of projects and programs. development at the regional level.


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