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The president of Ecolo describes the MR as being an “extreme” party: “It’s not nothing to say that”

This Wednesday, the six presidents of the major French-speaking parties gathered around Martin Buxant and Christophe Deborsu for the last major debate before the June 9 elections. During the debate, the president of Ecolo described the MR with an unusual adjective…

The elections are inexorably approaching. This Sunday, June 9, several million Belgians will vote for the European, federal and regional Parliament.

On the RTL-TVI set, Raoul Hedebouw (PTB), Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR), François De Smet (Défi), Maxime Prévot (Engagés), Paul Magnette (PS) and Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo) debated on the major themes dear to Belgians. However, when the question of teaching came to the table, the last mentioned uttered a few words which did not go unnoticed.

While liberal President Georges-Louis Bouchez proposed to completely review the Pact for Excellence in Teaching, Jean-Marc Nollet wanted to defend this pact. “We can adjust this pact, but sweeping everything away as Mr. Bouchez or Mr. Hedebouw propose, that doesn’t work. The extremes always suggest sweeping everything away and starting all over again“, he says.

If Raoul Hedebouw’s PTB is classically classified on the far left of the political spectrum, the MR is usually defined as a classic right-wing party. A remark which did not fail to startle our journalist Christophe Deborsu. “Do you really consider the MR to be an extreme party? It’s not nothing to say that“, he asks her.

I simply spoke of the two extremes” he defends himself. “On this plateau, there are the two extremes, the PTB and opposite the MR“. Although annoyed by the attack, the president of MR Georges-Louis Bouchez preferred to kick in afterward. “

2024 elections


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