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“It’s a disgusting crime”: attacked with a hammer, a teenager could lose the use of his legs

The 15-year-old teenager who was allegedly stabbed, then attacked with a hammer, Friday around dinner time, near the Saint-Jérôme Polyvalent School, in the Laurentians, could lose the use of his legs, learned TVA Nouvelles from various sources.

• Read also: Armed attack in front of the Saint-Jérôme high school: a teenager injured

The motive for the crime is unknown, but some students met Monday near the school suggest that a fight involving the victim occurred two days before the attack.

Police quickly apprehended the two suspects, aged 16 and 17, on Friday.

They face charges of assault with a weapon. They appeared in the youth court on Monday, remain detained and will return to the youth court on Wednesday.

The suspects are not students at the Saint-Jérôme Polyvalent School.

TVA Nouvelles obtained videos of the violent scene and in the images, we see one of the attackers holding a weapon.

A friend of the victim, who was near him when the attack occurred, says she has had difficulty sleeping since.

“I see them all the time in my head,” she told TVA Nouvelles.

Her mother said she was “very angry”.

“I’m really outraged, I’m enraged. It’s a disgusting crime, what the guy did,” she said.


The woman said she rushed to the school as soon as her daughter called to tell her what had just happened.

“When my daughter called me at dinner time, she was screaming, ‘Mom, come get me, my friend got stabbed, Mom, come get me,'” the mother recalled.

The latter would like more security measures to be put in place in schools.

“I don’t know where we’re going, but it’s more and more dangerous,” she lamented.


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