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Export of digital services: Morocco in the African Top 3 in 2023

Moroccan exports of services delivered digitally continue to grow. According to the latest data from the World Trade Organization (WTO), compiled by “Le Matin”, they reached 6.43 billion dollars in 2023, compared to 5.3 billion a year earlier. The Kingdom’s share of global exports increased to 0.14% in 2022 from 0.15% last year. For their part, our imports of digitally delivered services totaled 2.65 billion dollars, compared to 2.23 billion in 2022. Our global market share remains unchanged, only 0.07%.

Moroccan exports of digitally delivered services represent nearly a sixth of African deliveries. The latter total 36.79 billion dollars (0.86% market share), compared to 32.62 billion in 2022 (0.84% ​​global share). African imports of these services are much more important, with 55.66 billion dollars (1.55% global share), but contract slightly compared to 2022: 56.81 billion dollars and 1.72 % global share.

The 3 fastest growing countries on the continent. Source: WTO

Is Morocco an important player in this market on the African continent? The answer can be found in a joint Policy Note from the World Bank Group and the WTO for 2023. This reveals that Morocco is part of the top 3 continental, where “export growth is concentrated”, underline the authors of this document entitled “Making digital trade a catalyst for Africa’s development”. Thus, Morocco, Ghana and South Africa alone account for more than half of the exports of services delivered digitally.

Evolution of exports of services delivered digitally 2015-2023 – Source WTO.

With Ghana and Egypt, Morocco also forms a very small group of African countries whose annual growth rate of these exports exceeds that of the rest of the world. Thus, Moroccan exports display an average annual growth rate of 9% over the period 2005-2022. This rate is expected to increase given the various projects undertaken in Morocco and the continent’s growth potential: exports of digital services should “increase by 74 billion dollars between 2023 and 2040, i.e. double Africa’s global share”. considers the Joint Note.

Typology of services delivered digitally exported in 2023 by Morocco – Source: WTO.

What does the Kingdom export digitally? According to the same Joint Note, “business services and professional and technical services are the most important sectors, followed by telecommunications services and IT services. Outsourcing of engineering services – such as software development, electronic design, mechanical engineering and civil engineering – is thriving, with annual growth of 35% between 2019 and 2022.

Outsourcing of services in Morocco – Source: Office des exchanges.

The reasons behind this success? “Reliable telecommunications infrastructure, high-speed Internet and a skilled workforce in many areas of information technology, including network development, software design and computer modeling. Morocco’s strategic geographic location, cultural and linguistic assets, low costs and favorable tax provisions make it an attractive destination for business process outsourcing,” the authors emphasize.


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