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Arrival of good weather next week: why should we take advantage of it?

After a very gloomy end of May in the northern half, the start of the meteorological summer which begins this Saturday will come at just the right time since summer conditions will appear in the country next week.

A very different feeling from what we currently know

While current values ​​are around 3 to 4°C below seasonal norms, with only 14°C in Paris at the best of the day on Friday, things will change. The anticyclone will, in fact, migrate towards the British Isles and the west of France, which will put an end to this situation of low pressure blockage in Omega. France will therefore find pleasant conditions in the territory and the precipitation will be evacuated towards Central Europe.

Rising temperatures ©

However, don’t expect widespread clear skies, particularly in the far north where light showers could still circulate under a slightly maritime flow. The feeling will be more and more summery despite these few clouds, since temperatures should return above seasonal norms by the middle of the week. The values ​​will increase on average +5 to +10°C compared to what we currently know, even a little more in the southwest and a little less near the Channel coast.

A very temporary summer interlude

We will really have to take advantage of the improvement in the weather next week, since these summer conditions are not expected to last. The anticyclone should weaken at the end of next week with further cooling expected on the Channel coasts.

Situation of Friday June 7 ©

This weakening could be accompanied by new Atlantic disturbances, which, in contact with warm air, could give rise to particularly vigorous storms on an axis going from the southwest to the northeast, forecasting of which still remains difficult to this day. The weather could therefore remain muggy and stormy thereafter, without regaining the cool atmosphere that we are currently experiencing, since temperatures should remain close to seasonal norms.

There is therefore no lasting dry weather on the horizon, which follows a very wet spring of 2024. Nevertheless, let’s remember that there have been positive aspects to this wet start to 2024. The year 2023 had in fact been very dry, with a very high soil water deficit and a water table level that was too low. This winter, the water tables were still in deficit. Currently, conditions are more comfortable, especially for summer, with full water tables and damp soils across the majority of the country. It will therefore be possible to escape droughts this summer and slightly limit the risk of very hot weather, which is, in itself, good news.


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