In Russia, denunciation is making a comeback
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In Russia, denunciation is making a comeback


At the Summer Book Festival in Vladimir (Russia) in August 2024. FACEBOOK / KITOVRAS LIBRARY FESTIVAL

In Vladimir, a charming but discreet town located about 200 kilometers east of Moscow, the summer book festival confirmed a deep trend in cultural circles since the beginning of “Special military operation” From the Kremlin to Ukraine: The Return of Denunciation in Russia. “A new reality which, unfortunately, was to be expected…”explains a renowned Russian writer who, faced with the increased repression against any critical voice remaining in the country, asks to remain anonymous.

Opposed to “this war which is not ours”he has preferred, for two and a half years, not to participate in meetings with readers. As a precaution. He does not want to take the risk of finding himself the target of “patriots” left to denounce “the enemy” inside the country.

This is what happened in Vladimir. The organizers of the festival, which took place from August 16 to 18 in this small city, were forced to cancel the meetings with Irina Kotova and Assia Demishkevich. These writers had spoken out against the military intervention in Ukraine. Pro-Kremlin colleagues in the lead, bloggers, relayed by the Union of Writers of Russia, have “indignant” to see these two rebels speaking to the public in Vladimir. “The repression is now limitless”confides this author who, for security reasons, prefers not to appear in public anymore and, to write, leaves for a few weeks abroad.

“I don’t recognize my country anymore”

He limits all communication on social networks where messages have circulated against him accusing him of treason. “I am being targeted. You have to be careful: first, internet trolls, then possible legal action.” As Russia strengthens its legal arsenal against LGBT people, any allusion to homosexuality is scrutinized by the authorities and… readers. “They’re watching over us!”confirms one of the directors of a small publishing house that, against the grain, continues to publish independent writings. Among them, a comic strip, Colombe Guennadïwhere, with all the nuances, the hero does not hide his questions about his sexuality. “It didn’t fail to happen: we were denounced and the police took an interest in us! I don’t recognize my country anymore.”

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The threat extends far beyond literary circles. Forced to self-censor to conform to the Kremlin’s narrative mold, theaters have received ukases from the Ministry of Culture: in the midst of a standoff with the West, accused of decadence, patriotism must be promoted and values ​​and traditions protected. “Self-censorship, denunciation, fear… As soon as we talk about sex, drugs, politics, there are letters. This was not the case before.”whispers a director in Kazan.

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