mobilization Saturday throughout France in support of victims of sexual violence – Libération
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mobilization Saturday throughout France in support of victims of sexual violence – Libération

Domestic violence, chemical submission, impunity for predators on the Internet, incest, marital rape, medical wandering, accomplice entourage and neighbors: the Pélicot affair is emblematic of the massive and banal nature of the violence that must be urgently combated.

We are wrong to call this trial the “Mazan affair” or even the “Pélicot affair”. It is above all the affair of the 82 rapists (1). It is also an opportunity to confront the sad banality of the profile of the men behind the rapes, to finally confront this reality. Family friend, stranger from the bar or the street, brother or cousin, boyfriend, colleague, teacher, neighbor: all women will unfortunately be able to find a face that brings back a traumatic memory among the multitude of Mazan defendants.

This case is at the intersection of everything that associations have been denouncing for years. Now, action is needed.

Seven years have passed since MeToo, and feminists have been trying to compensate for the inaction of political power for much longer. Through books, conferences, reports, posts on social networks, demonstrations, and constant commitment, they repeat that the man who rapes is not an extraordinary monster but an ordinary man, like the father who beats his children and hits his wife.

Despite this tireless work of warning, neither justice, nor political power, nor society seem to take note and act.

We call for a mobilization that starts from the ordeal of Gisèle Pélicot, but is not limited to it. We call on men to rise up with us, to no longer remain at best passive, at worst accomplices. “Not all men”we hear over and over again after every femicide and rape, but when will there be concrete actions to change things beyond these words that brush aside the observation?

2.6 billion to fight against sexist and sexual violence

At the symbolic level, there have been many failures, right up to the highest level of the State: that ministers or deputies can be indicted for rape and remain in office, that a notorious predator is described as “national pride” by the President, that sex education programs do not have the budgetary resources to be implemented, that shelters for women victims of violence are threatened with closure, all of this contributes to trivializing or even legitimizing the misogynistic behavior that is plaguing our society.

We join the thousands of women, personalities and feminist associations who demanded in May 2024 a comprehensive law to end sexist and sexual violence. We ask that 2.6 billion be voted in the 2024 state budget to combat sexist and sexual violence (report by the Women’s Foundation, September 25, 2023).

We demand more than fine speeches at the congress to sanctify feminists of the past.

We want to be safe before we die.

We want to live, free.

The first signatories: Anna Toumazoffradio presenter, activist, feminist Blanche Sabbahactivist, feminist and comic book author Mathilde Caillardactivist, feminist Camille Etienneactivist Christelle Taraudhistorian Mehdi Maïzijournalist Giulia Foïsjournalist Nesrine SlaouiJournalist, director and writer Anna Mouglalisactress Elsa Wolinskijournalist Andrea Besconddirector Myriam Leroyauthor Cyril Dionauthor, director Nikita Bellucciproducer of adult films Ethics Penelope Bagieuauthor Camille Kouchnerauthor Yellsinger Pierre de Maere, singer-songwriter Victory Tuaillonjournalist Clothilde Hesmeactress. Find the complete list of signatories here. And here is the list of meeting places.

(1) 51 men were sent to justice


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