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Where are Arizona’s party negotiations? “I have two sports metaphors for you”

The municipal elections are over. The presidents of the five parties in Arizona met again to start negotiating again, notably Bart De Wever’s “super note”. Where are we? Our specialist Martin Buxant takes stock of the situation.

Bart De Wever, finally freed from the burden of the municipal elections, reinforced in Antwerp as big boss, directly put on his trainer’s costume. Maxime Prévot and Georges-Louis Bouchez also, who supervise the ten Arizona technical groups, no longer have this sword of Damocles of municipal elections hanging over their heads.

The atmosphere between the five parties who are building this Arizona is rather constructive. This is what several negotiators confirmed to us this afternoon“, reveals our political specialist Martin Buxant.

But concretely, where is the Arizona coalition? “So, I have two sports metaphors for you“, begins Martin Buxant. “They are party presidents, a cyclist and a footballer. So far, we have driven on the plains, we have logged kilometers, but we have not yet tackled a mountain pass. And then the other, we rotate the ball, we make the team play, but there hasn’t been a shot on target yet“. More clearly, “all the delicate knots of this government formation still need to be resolved“.

This week, trainer Bart De Wever plans to start the bilateral regions again with the party presidents, “to see the room for maneuver he has to decide“, he explains.

In any case, no one is talking about this federal government taking over before December“, declares the journalist.

A “super note”

Bart De Wever’s “super note” is frequently mentioned in the media these days. But what is it about? “It’s a bit of a silly name. It is in fact the note which takes up the major socio-economic reforms that the future Arizona government wants to implement.“, answers Martin Buxant.

For the moment, the super rating is not “absolutely not validated by the five partners“, he adds. “In particular, we find points such as the limitation of unemployment benefits to two years, the taxation of stock market capital gains at 10% or even the disappearance of the IPP tax bracket at 50%, which would be replaced by a bracket at 45%“.

But there is also a community note. “The N-VA would like to regionalize major federal institutions such as the royal museums or the weather department, the Royal Meteorological Institute, but the French speakers absolutely do not want that.“.

Positions and skills already discussed

The right-wing parties, N-VA and MR, would welcome the creation of a super ministry of Security which would swallow up the skills of the Ministry of the Interior, certain sections of justice to supervise all services intelligence as well as asylum and migration. Some sort of Arizona super sheriff station“, explains Martin Buxant, implying that a certain Montois would really like to wear this “sheriff star“.

Martin Buxant arizona Negotiations Bart de Wever Super note


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