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A first. At the request of Morocco, the UNHCR 2025 budget adopted by vote

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While reiterating its commitment to supporting the noble humanitarian mandate entrusted to this UN agency, the Permanent Mission of Morocco, however, wanted, through this approach, to draw the attention of the Executive Committee to the renunciation by the UNHCR of the fundamental principles of its general mandate to protect populations sequestered in the Tindouf camps, in Algeria.

Indeed, and faced with the numerous abuses observed regarding the UNHCR, Morocco has called on it on several occasions to show discernment and to take the necessary corrective measures in the face of the various grievances expressed by the Kingdom.

Among these grievances, Morocco points to the UNHCR’s refusal to advocate for the realization of the registration of the population sequestered in the Tindouf camps in Algeriaa renunciation which puts UNHCR in contradiction with its general mandate.

The Kingdom also criticizes the maintenance of the confusion by the UN agency on the real number of populations sequestered in the Tindouf camps, each time publishing contradictory artificial figures, which are not the result of recording in accordance with international standards; as well as the consolidation of the facts of misappropriation of humanitarian aid intended for these populations, attested in particular in three international reports.

Furthermore, Morocco denounces the organization’s total indifference to the fate of these populations sequestered by armed militiasand deprived of their most basic rights such as freedom of movement; as well as its abstention from denouncing the absence of free access to the camps, and the devolution, de facto, by Algeria of its sovereignty and its legal and humanitarian responsibilities towards the populations sequestered in the camps to an armed militia.

The Kingdom also rejects the UNHCR’s failure to denounce, to date, the recruitment of children into the armed militias of the ‘Polisario’, a long-standing practice which constitutes a serious violation of the obligation to respect the humanitarian and civilian character of the camps; as well as the ignoring of arbitrary displacements, forced separation of families, insecurity and instability in these camps, which contribute to keeping these populations in a situation of extreme and constant vulnerability.

Given all these grievances, Morocco considers that it is, today, more than urgent that the international community take all necessary measures to put an end to these violations and guarantee the protection of populations sequestered in the Tindouf camps, in Algeria.

In its call for the vote, the Permanent Mission of Morocco called on the UNHCR to take full responsibility for this situation, which it is responsible for correcting by taking all necessary measures.

She recalled that Morocco’s commitment to asylum and refugee protection policy is recognized globally in its exemplary nature, stressing that when it comes to fundamental principles, the Moroccan delegation uses legitimate means to make its voice heard and so that these legally justified and reality-reflecting requests are irremediably taken into account.

Although at the origin of the call for a vote, the Moroccan delegation finally voted by abstentionin order not to block the noble humanitarian mission assigned to the UNHCR.

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October 19, 2024 at 12:49 p.m.

Modified October 19, 2024 at 12:49 p.m.


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