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the family of the cyclist killed in on Tuesday by a motorist testifies – Libération

Paul Varry’s mother and brother express in a document broadcast by M6 and RTL this Saturday, their pain and anger after the death of the 27-year-old young man on Tuesday in .

The family of Paul Varry, the 27-year-old cyclist run over by a motorist on Tuesday in Paris, is in shock. In a poignant testimony broadcast on M6 and RTL this Saturday, the young man’s mother expressed her immense pain. “Tuesday evening, my life turned upside down, I lost my son, she begins. It’s a tragedy in our family, how are we going to live with it? What will our taste for living be?

The woman then expresses the anger she feels towards the 52-year-old motorist, indicted for murder on Friday and placed in pre-trial detention, whom she calls “the guy”. “It’s just horrible, because of one guy. Paul was alive before. If that guy hadn’t been there, Paul, my son would be alive.” “It’s murder, there’s no other word”continues the victim’s brother. “In the morgue, we saw Paul, there are no words… It’s barbarism. We can’t say it’s an accident, that’s not possible.” “It’s savagery,” concludes the cyclist’s mother.

Friday, the motorist indicted for murder swore before the judge of freedoms and detention that he had not “never wanted to crush” the cyclist. His lawyer pleaded manslaughter and pleaded “a maneuvering error or loss of control of the vehicle in the stress and anxiety of a conflict situation including [son client] was trying to get out of trouble.”

At the initiative of several bicycle defense associations, rallies are being organized this Saturday throughout this Saturday in tribute to Paul Varry. In more than 128 municipalities across the country, an appointment is made at 5:45 p.m. in front of town halls for a minute of silence, followed by applause and a concert of bells. In Paris, the tribute will be paid at 5 p.m., Place de la République.



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