DayFR Euro

big surprise in the Paulo Fonseca file?

Zapping Onze Mondial EXCLUDED: Randal Kolo Muani’s “Little Brother” interview!

This Sunday evening, at around 11 p.m., OM will definitely have finished with their season which will end, barring a miracle, without European qualification. A hell of a snub for the Marseille club, well aware that the McCCourt – Longoria project has taken a big hit. So, the Marseille management wants to hit hard this summer, with a coach capable of leading a long-term project.

Fonseca could… extend to Lille!

In this sense, Marseille’s priority has been known for a while. Paulo Fonseca, the Lille technician, is the coach desired by Pablo Longoria to guide the Marseille game project. But the Portuguese is a coveted man and the file is dragging, especially with the approaches of AC Milan. But another, more surprising outcome is emerging on this issue. Indeed, according to the Parisian, it is not at all excluded that Paulo Fonseca ultimately decides to… extend to Lille! Despite sometimes complicated relations with Olivier Létang, the prospect of playing in the next Champions League in the North could ultimately convince him to stay!

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To sum up

OM are actively looking for a coach for next season and the Paulo Fonseca file is a priority. But a surprising outcome could be looming. Indeed, after being mentioned at OM or even at Milan, Fonseca could well… extend to Lille!


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