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LFI MP Hugo Prévost excluded from LFI, he is accused of “serious acts of a sexual nature”

X/Hugo Prévost MP Hugo Prévost was excluded from LFI on October 8, 2024.

X/Hugo Prévost

MP Hugo Prévost was excluded from LFI on October 8, 2024.

POLICY – Firm sanction. The LFI group in the National Assembly announced this Tuesday, October 8 in the evening the exclusion of the deputy for Isère Hugo Prévost, accused of “serious acts of a sexual nature which may amount to criminal offences”.

In a press release published on social networks which you can read below, the parliamentary group explains that it was contacted by the party’s Vigilance Committee against Sexist and Sexual Violence (CVSS) about Hugo Prévost.

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The nature of the facts is not specified, but LFI specifies that they were committed before his election. Hugo Prévost was elected for the first time in July against former Macronist minister Olivier Véran in the first constituency of Isère.

For its part, the Student Union union published its own press release explaining that its former spokesperson and co-founder Hugo Prévost is accused “moral and sexual harassment, patterns of predation, acts resembling sexual violence” over a period “from 2020 to 2024”.

Facts that occurred during his involvement with Student Union

“On the one hand, his position made it easier for him to commit violence through the control and dependence that this generated. On the other hand, this violence was precisely committed with the aim of maintaining his position and the powers associated with it. continues the union.

“Despite (the criticism) and the training in prevention of gender-based and sexual violence and psychosocial risks from which he was able to benefit, his behavior did not change. On the contrary, the more he gained importance and power within the union, the more his violence increased.adds the EU, which therefore contacted the CVSS.

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The 25-year-old MP explained these accusations on October 2 during a hearing “mandated by the office of the LFI-NF parliamentary group”. “The seriousness of the alleged acts and their systemic nature made it necessary to refer the matter to the parliamentary group so that it could impose a sanction”indicates LFI, which has just handed down its sentence.

At this stage, no complaint has been filed against Hugo Prévost, who has not yet spoken publicly on the subject. As for LFI, it specifies in its press release that “the decisions of the parliamentary group in matters of sexist and sexual violence concern precaution and the protection of people and are not court decisions”.

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