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Vote: the arguments for revisions to tenancy law

Here are the arguments in favor of revisions to tenancy law

Supporters launch the campaign for two revisions of tenancy law. We explain to you why tenants’ rights will not be weakened according to them.

Published today at 3:54 p.m.

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The two revisions to lease law up for vote on November 24 protect against abuse, according to a bourgeois committee. The rights of tenants will not be weakened, this “Union for Housing” affirmed on Tuesday when launching the campaign.

Parliament approved two projects last year. It is surprising that the left has launched a referendum against these two minor revisions to tenancy law, said National Councilor Gregor Rutz (UDC/ZH) at the committee’s press conference in Bern. Because greater legal certainty and less abuse particularly benefit tenants.

Review of sublets

Better supervised sublets

The first project aims to prevent abusive subletting. Tenants must in the future send a written request to the lessor if they wish to sublet their accommodation. And the lessor must also respond in writing. The latter may also refuse the sublet if it lasts more than two years or presents major inconveniences for him.

The landlord’s agreement is already necessary today and the accommodation must not be sublet at an excessive price. However, these requirements are often not respected, recalled Gregor Rutz. Subleases of more than two years will remain possible if both parties agree.

Abusive shared rentals and sub-rentals

The revision will also prevent subletting from being used for speculative purposes and removing from the market housing that the population needs in times of shortage, in favor of platforms such as Airbnb, added national advisor Olivier Feller. (PLR/VD).

There is also no question of banning student shared accommodation, the Vaudois also said. No one wants to limit such colocations, neither in Parliament nor in civil society. In fact, the new rules even further protect sub-tenants, particularly against abusive sub-rents.

Simplify lease terminations

The second project aims to simplify lease terminations for owners’ own needs. According to the law in force, the latter can quickly use their rented accommodation or commercial premises themselves, by asserting an urgent need for themselves, or their close relatives or allies.

In reality, it is often difficult for them to prove the urgency of this need. This can lead to long legal procedures, noted national advisor Vincent Maitre (Center/GE).

Tenant Rights Not Impaired

The revision clarifies what an urgent need means. This is an important and current objectively established need. And it does not weaken the rights of tenants, who will always be able to contest the termination in court as is the case today, said the Genevan.

In both cases, the Federal Council supports the reform. UDC federal councilor Guy Parmelin, responsible for the file, however described the revision on terminations for personal reasons as “disproportionate and unjustified” during the parliamentary debates.

Counteract the shortage

These revisions must be seen in a broader context, that of the housing shortage, added national councilor Philipp Matthias Bregy (Center/VS). This shortage does not only affect large cities like Zurich, Basel or Geneva. Towns, tourist spots and even rural regions are suffering.

“The left still wants to restrict and further regulate housing construction,” criticized the centrist. The Housing Union is committed to the establishment of sensible incentives in favor of the construction of housing by private actors and housing cooperatives, and to targeted relief from regulations and procedures. .

The tenant defense association (Asloca) successfully launched a referendum against the two revisions, quickly gathering more than 75,000 signatures against the two texts. Supported by the left, she denounced a tightening of the law to the detriment of tenants. The people will decide.


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