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“The idea is to have more and more”: this speed control device has halved the number of accidents in Wallonia

The number of deaths on our roads has fallen by 12%. According to the VIAS Institute for Road Safety, there have never been so few casualties on the roads. VIAS attributes these good results to the effectiveness of section radars.

They are now part of the landscape along our highways: the section radars which measure our average speed over several hundred meters, or even several kilometers. A device which often calls out to drivers, who then adapt their speed.

We have to be careful, no choice“, “We tend to watch our speed more“, tell us two of them that we surveyed.

According to a recent study by the VIAS Safety Institute, these radars help reduce the number of accidents. Take the example of the 12 kilometer section on the E42 near Fleurus. The impact is enormous: before the installation of a section radar, there were 30 accidents per year on average in the area compared to 11 today.

Globally, The number of accidents on Walloon motorways has decreased by an average of 50% since the installation of these radars.

Benoît Godart, spokesperson for the VIAS Institute explains why: “There is more support from drivers. They can no longer say that they were distracted at a specific point. Here, it doesn’t work. Also, these radars make it possible to force drivers to drive at the correct speed for several kilometers. They are therefore more efficient.

Along the roadways too

In recent years, there has also been a trend to use these section radars along our roads. With, here too, important results. We are talking about less than 30% of accidents in certain areas.

In Namur, they were deployed to fight against the urban rodeo phenomenon. A development that will continue: “The idea is to have more and more. We cannot put them everywhere, so we will always need fixed radars. But it is clear that the advantages of section radar are more numerous than the disadvantages.

Ultimately, almost the entire motorway network could be controlled by these radars.

vias radar section radar speed road safety roads


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