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World record holder for crossing on a wire, Nathan Paulin and the Ballet du Grand Théâtre make Geneva soar

Published on May 6, 2024 at 4:49 p.m. / Modified on May 6, 2024 at 4:50 p.m.

This suspended step of the stork which is our dream. This transition from one blue of the sky to another which is the happiness of a Sunday afternoon. At the Grand Théâtre, three days in a row, Rachid Ouramdane, the Geneva Ballet and four tightrope walkers offered a show where everything is elevation, where the works for wandering piano by the African-American composer Julius Eastman (1940-1990) are as gray as a stagecoach. launched into the steppes of our imaginary lives. Their Outsider is a prodigy of rigor – that of Nathan Paulin, cable star, and his comrades Louise Lenoble, Tania Monier and Daniel Laruelle – and of electrical abstraction.

Nothing ornamental, ever. Nor metaphorical flatness. The French choreographer Rachid Ouramdane and the Geneva company experience the currents of Julius Eastman, this artist whose stubborn works are an antidote to the depression which consumed him, to this feeling of exclusion which destroyed him, he who was gay and Black in a America where racism and homophobia persisted like malignant metastases. Listen to his score, his stridency – that of proud pain –, his desperado’s escapade who doesn’t ask for his rest, his witchcraft at the corner of the day, a whole world emerging under the fingers of the pianists of the HEM, directed by Stéphane Ginsburgh – what a luxury too, this presence of an orchestra.

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