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Vevey: haro on the terrace of Bachibouzouk

Neighbors’ rant against Bachibouzouk

In the process of perpetuating its terrace, the Vevey café-bar is attracting the wrath of certain local residents because of noise pollution. The manager wants to encourage dialogue with the dissatisfied.

Noémie Desarzens

Published today at 4:33 p.m.

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“No to the noise pollution from Bachibouzouk!” Through a petition, some residents near the café are expressing their fed up. Located a few steps from the lake, it is the terrace of this neighborhood bar that attracts the wrath of some neighbors. Their demands? The pure and simple closure of the terrace, for peace and protection of the health of the neighborhood.

Launched two weeks ago, the text collected around forty signatures. Having lived in the neighborhood for more than thirty years, François* refuses to allow the interest of an individual – namely the owner of Bachibouzouk – to take precedence over the well-being of an entire neighborhood. “I have nothing against the bar, but against its terrace which is located under the windows of local residents.”

Another story from a neighbor whose apartment overlooks the terraces. “It’s not a problem in itself, because there are no big parties, it’s more of a café atmosphere. It must be emphasized that this establishment brings a lot to the neighborhood!”

No favoritism

“It is now vital for us to offer outdoor seating if we want to have a chance of keeping a customer base when the nice weather returns,” adds the manager, Adrien Colin.

Some local residents argue that the establishment would benefit from preferential treatment from the authorities, who are predominantly left-wing, Adrien Colin being also a municipal councilor under the banner of Alternative Degrowth.

“We do not make any decisions through cronyism, but on the basis of laws,” reframes the trustee, Yvan Luccarini. Any opponents will be received. And I would like to point out that the extension of these terraces is a measure to perpetuate the consequences of Covid, as we have done with many other establishments. Around thirty are affected.

*Name known to the editorial staff


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