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The investigation targeting Eric Ciotti and his ex-wife, for multiple jobs, closed without further action

Eric Ciotti, in , on December 19, 2023. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office affirmed, Tuesday 1is October, to Agence -Presse (AFP) having closed on Monday the preliminary investigation targeting the former boss of the Republicans Eric Ciotti and his ex-wife Caroline Magne for suspicion of undue accumulation of public employment.

The PNF had opened in November 2022, in the middle of the campaign for the presidency of LR, a preliminary investigation for embezzlement of public funds, breach of trust and concealment of these offenses after the publication of articles according to which Eric’s ex-wife Ciotti would have held several jobs between 2008 and 2017 in the Assembly, in and in the Alpes-Maritimes department.

“At the end of the investigations, the offense appeared insufficiently characterized”specified the PNF. “The investigation revealed significant variations in remuneration and work quota and it was not possible to verify the volume of hours actually worked when Mme Magne worked as a full-time parliamentary assistant [entre janvier 2013 et août 2014] »underlined the financial prosecutor’s office.

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“Tasks relating to the missions of a parliamentary assistant”

“It nevertheless emerges from the elements collected in the proceedings, in particular from the testimonies, that Mme Caroline Magne performed well throughout the period the tasks relating to the missions of a parliamentary assistant”according to the PNF. “The investigations also confirmed a lack of authorization for accumulation, likely to constitute an administrative breach, but which does not in itself constitute a criminal offense”further clarified the prosecution.

The Chained duck had revealed that Mme Magne would have held various jobs with the MP or political allies: press secretary to Christian Estrosi, she became, in 2007, parliamentary attaché to Éric Ciotti when he was elected to the Assembly, in addition to a job at the Alpes-Maritimes departmental council where she “expands one’s skills” when her husband took over as president in 2008.

The article also revealed that she had become deputy director at Nice town hall before joining the steering team of the urban community, exercising these responsibilities until 2011. At the Assembly, her contract ended in 2016 but she also, between 2014 and 2016, held responsibilities in the commune of La Colle-sur-Loup, and had a job in the diocese of Nice between 2012 and 2014, according to Le Canard chainé. The diocese denied, assuring AFP that Mme Magne had “held a job in a Catholic education establishment in the Alpes-Maritimes”.

After the publication of this article, Mr. Ciotti explained that he had employed Caroline Magne as a parliamentary collaborator. “very part-time” et “in strict compliance with laws and regulations”. Mr. Ciotti and his ex-wife were heard in open hearing in December 2022.

The Nice public prosecutor’s office is investigating, for its part, suspicions of embezzlement of public funds around possible accumulation of jobs at the Alpes-Maritimes departmental council which may have benefited Eric Ciotti.

The World with AFP

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