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On American campuses, a rebellion against evidence about Israel that is no longer true

Published on May 1, 2024 at 3:43 p.m. / Modified on May 1, 2024 at 6:38 p.m.

To say that the violence that broke out on the campus of UCLA University in Los Angeles was apparently the result of a confrontation between pro-Palestinian demonstrators on one side and pro-Israelis on the other is too much of an explanation. simplistic. The reality of what is happening on American campuses is more complex.

The movement includes extremist elements on both sides. However, it is mainly led by Jewish and non-Jewish, Palestinian and non-Palestinian students who are outraged. Protesters legitimately identify with either one cause or the other. And we have the impression that they are all mobilizing to denounce the massacres committed by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023 but also the humanitarian catastrophe and the numerous civilians decimated in Gaza by the Israeli army.

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