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Former glory and young boxers: a story of passion and transmission in a basement in Yverdon

In 2003, James Fenu could have fought for the European title when he ended his career and turned away from the field. The “virus” caught up with him just before the pandemic. Report in the legendary room of the Yverdonnois Boxing Club, where he prepares five young people for their first meeting at home

Published on September 28, 2024 at 3:22 p.m. / Modified on September 28, 2024 at 3:24 p.m.

  • The Yverdonnois Boxing Club, founded in 1936, is organizing its first gala since 2017 on Saturday September 28 at 7 p.m. He will be represented there by five young fighters.

  • They are coached by James Fenua local legend who retired from the industry for around fifteen years after a high-level professional career.

  • While boxing training, intense and complete, appeals to the general public, Few people really want to get in the ringwhere blows can hurt. Time met those who risk it, in a room with the smell of “sweat, blood and the desire to do well”.

The den of the Yverdonnois Boxing Club (CYB) would make a perfect film set.

Located in the forgotten basement of a college, occupied for a long time using only electricity costs, it includes two rings without a platform, only demarcated by old ropes, rudimentary weight training equipment, an improvised locker room in a corner, and above all a lot of symbols that catch the eye. On supporting pillars, press clippings retrace part of the history of the club founded in 1936. On the raw concrete walls are displayed vestiges of different eras: here the words “RESPECT” and “DISCIPLINE” painted in capital letters , there faded graffiti, further away photos of Cassius Clay alias Mohamed Ali.

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