“France must not go backwards” by increasing taxes, pleads Bruno Le Maire in his farewell speech
DayFR Euro

“France must not go backwards” by increasing taxes, pleads Bruno Le Maire in his farewell speech

On his departure, the Minister of the Economy once again hammered home this Thursday his opposition to any tax increase. A line he has defended since his arrival in government in 2017.

On the way out, Bruno Le Maire is staying the course. During his farewell speech this Thursday, a few days before his departure from the Bercy ship, the Minister of Economy and Finance sent a few messages and defended his record. The member of the government, in office since the early hours of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, thus hammered home once again his opposition to any tax increase.

“Against the tax waltz, we have chosen fiscal stability”boasted the minister, who considered that he had initiated, within the government, a “great economic transformation of France”. And, while voices are calling, particularly on the left, for an increase in taxes in order to ease public finances, Bruno Le Maire defended his line maintained since 2017: “France must not go back on taxes either”he said, in front of the crowd gathered for his farewell at Bercy. The French level of tax pressure remains high, despite the reductions in “55 billion euros” decided since Emmanuel Macron came to power, and it is better to focus on taxing the richest on an international scale, argued the member of the government. A fight he has been leading for several years now.

The minister also attacked the “sleepwalkers”who promise the earth to France, even if it means increasing the country’s already massive debt. “This is French hypocrisy: we want less debt and more spending”he said, calling for a return to below the 3% deficit mark as quickly as possible, as European rules require. “It is time to react, to react quickly, to react strongly”Bruno Le Maire also argued, expressing concern about the increasingly pressing competition from the United States.

More information to come…


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