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Teenager died in Frampton in Beauce due to the drug war: identity now known

The name and face of the 14-year-old teenager, who died near the hideout of the Hells Angels school club in Frampton in Beauce, because of the drug war, are now known.

Information collected by our Investigation Office now allows us to identify the young victim.

This is Mohamed-Yanis Seghouani, 14 years old, of Algerian origin and resident of Saint-Léonard in Montreal.

Mohamed-Yanis Seghouani, 14, resident of Saint-Léonard in the Montreal region, was found dead near the hideout of the Hells Angels school club on September 16. Photo credit: TikTok screenshot

TikTok screenshot

The teenager, who attended Antoine-de-Saint-Exupéry secondary school, allegedly fled the family home the evening before the events, we learned.

According to our sources, his body was found on the night of September 15 to 16, on the grounds of the Red Devils’ den, located on 2e Rank.

The victim, who was accompanied by another teenager, also aged 14, had the mandate to go to Beauce, with the aim of attacking the den.

The other teenager involved in this case has since been met by the police and is suffering from “significant post-traumatic shock”, our sources report.

Our information also indicates that they were well known to the police, despite their young age.

A third person who has yet to be identified was also on the scene, we learned.


A ceremony in memory of the teenager took place at the Badr Islamic Center in Saint-Léonard on Monday. Members of the victim’s family, deeply grieved by the teenager’s death, recently flew to Algeria with the aim of burying him there, it was reported.

His death also greatly “shocked” the Muslim community of Montreal, we are told, so much so that a gathering will take place on Saturday in Saint-Léonard. Among other things, the organizers wish to raise awareness of the dangers associated with the recruitment of adolescents from the community into organized crime.

A burnt car wreck was found in Frampton on September 16.


Nebulous circumstances

More than 10 days after the events, the circumstances remain unclear as to how the teenager lost his life.

Recall that a burned car was found almost a kilometer from the hideout. No one was inside, but the authorities discovered charred AK-47 assault weapons, our Bureau of Investigation learned.

According to our information, the victim was affiliated with the Saint-Léonard street gang, Everybody Gets Killed (EGK), which acts under the authority of another, even more violent group, called Arab Power.

The Frampton attack was also said to have been ordered by this gang. This is a third player to interfere in the drug war in Quebec, which has pitted the Blood Family Mafia and the Hells Angels for more than a year.

Ongoing investigation

Following the death of a 14-year-old teenager and the fire of a vehicle containing AK-47 type weapons, the Sûreté du Québec deployed its mobile command post and will strengthen the police presence in Frampton in Beauce, for the next few weeks.


The Sûreté du Québec confirms that the investigation is continuing. The municipality of Frampton is still under close surveillance since the events.

Do you have any information to share with us about this story?

Write to us at or call us directly at 1 800-63SCOOP.


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