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Valais: Air Zermatt saves lives, but struggles to get paid

The Air Zermatt company, famous for its mountain rescue missions, is facing recurring unpaid bills. Recently, two Vietnamese were rescued after attempting to climb the Matterhorn in sneakers and light clothing, in freezing cold. Their rescue, which lasted fourteen hours, will cost several tens of thousands of francs. “Each half-hour of aerial intervention is billed around 3,000 francs, not including the costs of ground rescuers,” spokesperson Bruno Kalbermatten told “Blick”. In this type of case, these costs must be paid in full by the person(s) rescued.

However, despite the lives saved, some people die by receiving the bill. According to Bruno Kalbermatten, the company has more than 100,000 francs in unpaid invoices annually. These losses are partially covered by donations, but the rescues are not profitable. Air Zermatt must therefore rely on tourist and commercial flights to survive. In addition to generating income, these flights allow pilots to train for interventions in difficult terrain.

Rega, another rescue player, also encounters cases of unpaid debts. However, they remain rare. Overall, the majority of those rescued honor their debt, but exceptions pose a recurring financial problem for these organizations that provide relief and save lives in all circumstances.


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