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Seniors’ support measures | Chrystia Freeland says ‘fruitful’ discussions with Bloc and NDP

(Ottawa) Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says discussions with the Bloc Québécois and the New Democratic Party (NDP) on new aid measures for seniors are “fruitful.”

Published yesterday at 10:24 a.m.

Emilie Bergeron

The Canadian Press

The Minister of Finance did not provide further details on Tuesday on the actions that the government could take.

She said the talks were about “every possible economic measure.”

“The conversations will continue to move forward because we are a minority government,” said the Minister of Procurement and Quebec lieutenant for the Liberals, Jean-Yves Duclos.

The Bloc members have been hammering home for days that they want the Old Age Security pension to be increased for seniors aged 65 to 74 in the same way that it was for people aged 75 and over.

A private member’s bill from Bloc Québécois critic for seniors’ issues Andréanne Larouche addresses this measure. The Bloc wants the Liberals to give the bill royal recommendation so it can move forward.

The Parliamentary Budget Officer estimates that the increase in Bill C-319 would cost the government about $3 billion per year.

Mme Freeland did not directly answer a reporter’s question about whether she thought the cost was too high.

Same thing for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was also questioned on the subject during a press scrum in New York. He took the opportunity to throw a dart at the Bloc members.

“I find it interesting that the Bloc is talking about seniors aged 65 and over because that is precisely what we targeted with our dental care for seniors. […] and the Bloc Québécois was nowhere to support [cette mesure] ” he lamented.

Since the NDP withdrew from its agreement with the Liberals that ensured the survival of Justin Trudeau’s minority government until June 2025, the Bloc Québécois believes it has obtained the balance of power.

They hope to get gains on their demands before an election. Another priority is getting their bill to protect supply management passed.

The Liberals have been saying for days that they are talking with the Bloc Québécois, but also the New Democrats, even though the latter tore up the agreement they had with the government.


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