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Moroccan cinema wins three awards at Hurghada Youth Film Festival

So, the So, the film “The Slave” by the Moroccan director Abdelilah El Jaouhari won second prize in the category of feature filmswhile the grand prize in the category of short films was awarded to the movie “Ayyur” (Moon) by the young Moroccan director Zineb Wakrim. Similarly, the jury of this edition also awarded the prize for best actor to the Moroccan Saad Mouaffak for his role in the movie “The Slave”.

It should be recalled that the film “The Slave” by its Moroccan director Abdelilah El Jouahri recently won an award at the Kazan International Film Festival “Altyn Minbar”which took place from September 6 to 11 in the capital of Tatarstanin Russia“The Slave” deals with work relationships and the preponderant place they occupy in the individual and collective existence of people and societies and also looks at hierarchy, capitalism, class struggle and dehumanization at work.

As for the Moroccan short film “Ayyur” (Moon), it won the 3rd prize of the Cinema has in 2023, dedicated to films byfilm schoolThe film portrays two teenagers suffering from “moon child disease”, a rare genetic pathology whose victims cannot tolerate the sun’s rays.


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