a study provides further proof of the interest in its extension in Europe – Libération
DayFR Euro

a study provides further proof of the interest in its extension in Europe – Libération


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A study published on Wednesday, September 11 and conducted in particular by Inserm shows a link between consumption of the worst-classified foods and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. A decision from the European Commission is still awaited to make the tool mandatory.

A new weapon in the battle to make the Nutri-Score mandatory in the European Union. This time it comes from a study published Wednesday, September 11 in The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, conducted in particular by scientists from Inserm and Inrae, the Cnam, the Sorbonne Paris Nord and Paris Cité universities, in collaboration with researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It shows, in summary, that having the habit of eating foods that are the lowest ranked and therefore of poor nutritional quality, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

More than 345,000 people living in seven European countries were followed between 1992 and 2010. 16,214 of these Europeans developed cardiovascular disease over the twelve years: just over 6,500 heart attacks were recorded, in addition to some 6,200 strokes. Participants who consumed on average more foods that would be rated lower by the Nutri-Score were at greater risk of developing these pathologies. For example, the scientists noted 490 cardiovascular events per 100,000 people in the category (out of 5) consuming the most unhealthy products.


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